The Company starts its activity in the Chemical Specialties area.
Merlin Fuel is founded to produce premium R/C Fuels
2007 - 2012
Merlin Fuel is worldwide known thanks to the innovative fuel development and is available in more than 20 countries.
2012 - 2014
During this years the company acquires a remarkable experience in lubrication and advanced Chemicals.
Merlin decides to apply the acquired know how in a challenging market. The sports bike. For 2 years our technnicians have worked in advanced solutions for bike Care and manteinance.
Merlin Bike Care is born. All the intensive research and development work is translated in innovative – high performance products and solutions for bike care and enhacement.
Accurate Production
45 years in chemical activity is our best visit card.
Our target is to deal with advanced and innovative materials. We understand our activity as a dynamic alays moving activity.
The best or nothing. All our products are customer oriented. Designed to achieve the maximum efficiency.
Technnical Staff
Skilled Technnical Team, involved in the project.
Over 800 Raw Maerials
Europe and USA origin.
Profesional distribution with adavanced solutions, as our fully automated warehouse.